Entrades Més Llegides

Publicat per: Àlex diumenge, de juliol 27, 2008

Tenia pensat posar Bad Medicine, també boníssima de la verdadera etapa rockera dels Bon Jovi. Però aquest matí només sentir-la dic "aquesta!" Declaració d'intencions? puede... jaja Aquesta va per mi. Visca l'egocentrisme! jaja  Avui se'm perdona oi? :)


Bon Jovi - Someday I'll Be Saturday Night

Hey man, I'm alive
I'm takin' each day a night at a time
I'm feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday night
Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong
My life's a bargain basement, all the good shit's gone
I just can't hold a job, where do I belong
Been sleepin' in my car, my dreams moves on
My name is Billy G., my love is bought and sold
I'm only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old
My foster daddy went , Took my innocence away
The street life ain't much better but at least I'm getting paid
Tuesday just might go my way
It can't get worse than yesterday
Thursdays, Fridays ain't been kind
But somehow I'll survive
Hey man, I'm alive I'm takin each day and night at a time
Yeah, I'm down but I know I'll get by
Hey, hey, hey, hey man gotta live my life
Like I aint got nothing
But this roll of the dice
I'm feeling like a monday
But someday I´ll be Saturday night
Now I can't say my name and tell you where I am
I wanna roll myself away, don't know if I can
I wish that I could be in some other time and place
With someone else's soul and someone else's face
Tuesday just might go my way
It can't get worse than yesterday
Thursdays, Fridays ain't been kind
But somehow I'll survive
Hey, man I'm alive
I'm taking each day a night at a time
Yeah, I'm down but I know I'll get by
Hey, hey, hey, hey man I got to live my life
I'm gonna pick up all the pieces and what's left of my pride
I'm feeling like a Monday but, someday I'll be Saturday night
Someday I'll be Saturday night
I'll be back on my feet, I'll be doing alright
It may not be tomorrow, baby thats ok
I ain't going down, gonna find a way
Hey, hey, hey man
I'm alive, I'm taking each day and night at a time
Yeah, I'm down, but I know I'll get by
Hey, hey, hey, hey man I'm gonna live my life
Like I ain't got nothing but this roll of the dice
I'm feeling like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night
I'm feeling like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night
Saturday night ... all right
All right ... all right
Saturday night

{ 1 comentaris real·litzats }

  1. Clar que sí!!!!!! Visca l'egocentrisme, i avui més!!!!!! jejejejejejejejeje Moltíiiiiiiissimes FELICITAAAAAAAAAATS!!!!!!!!!!!! Segueix posant-nos cançonetes egocentristes, com dius, que són les que t'agraden, i també a nosaltres.

    Molts petonicos!!!!!!!

    Happy cumple!!!!!!!!!


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